Overseas arrivals from 1 November 2021
People arriving in NSW who are fully vaccinated will not need to quarantine. They must:
- have a COVID-19 test after arrival
- prove full vaccination as recognised by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and have their vaccination status certified by the Commonwealth.
豪国籍者や永住ビザ保有者に限定される旨の記載はないものの、10月15日の首相Press Conferenceにおいて本件に関し下記の発言があるため、隔離免除は当面豪国籍者、永住ビザ保有者及びその近親者 のみ対象となる模様です。
“The Commonwealth Government has made no decision to allow other visa holders - skilled visa holders, student visa holders, international visitors travelling under an ETA or other international visa arrangement, visa, visiting visa arrangement - to come into Australia under these arrangements.”
“[W]e are only extending this to Australian residents, citizens and their immediate families. “